Welcome to PinkBunnySlippers.com!

My WASTE Network -

Download the following and go through the installation process: WASTE_Install.zip - email me JoshuaGottlieb@Gmail.com to get more info.

My New Tech Blog -

Joshua's Tech Blog

Places to buy stuff

www.pricewatch.com - THE place to find the best prices on the Internet

www.crazypc.com - Great PC mod site

www.xoxide.com - Another gread PC mod site

www.xpcgear.com - Probably my personal fave PC mod site


Real Estate Links

www.luinc.com - Great Houston Area Real Estate Club

www.richclub.org - Another Good Houston Area Real Estate Club

www.har.com - Where to find the real estate


Security Links


www.webattack.com - Great place for security software

www.insecure.org/tools.html - THE list of security tools


NewsGroup Links

www.worldwidewait.com - Good starting point

www.easynews.com - THE subscription binary news service

www.newzbin.com - Good news indexing site - best for browsing

www.newzsearch.com - Another good news index site, better for doing searches